About Us

Who we help

We help real estate investors to grow their property portfolios through HMO strategy in London.

What do we do

Our area

Our primary focus

Give peace of mind to our Landlords.

Create homely environment for our Tenants.

Set high standards and influence property industry.

Our story

Prime Property Care was born in 2014 when Ilva and Alex were renting a room in one of the HMO in London. Landlord was too busy to handle it all and problems often were left unresolved for a long time.

They soon discovered that high-street agencies were not offering such services to landlords due to complexities, amount of work and extra care needed. Landlords were pretty much left on their own.

So, they got to work and mapped out their dream company that would help landlords and investors to take care about all aspects of running a successful HMO property, whilst at the same time providing a welcoming and homely environment for tenants.

Alex got on with building custom CRM, management software and leveraging all modern technologies he could get his hands on, whilst Ilva got herself busy with establishing quality standards, relationships with tenants and landlords, as well as building a brand that we have here today.

Meat the team

Ilva | Founder and CEO


Founder & CEO

Jolanta | Maintenance Manager


Maintenance Manager

Natalia | Operations Manager


Operations Manager

Lana | Quality Control Specialist


Quality Control Specialist

Shereen | Property Manager


Property Manager

Azam | Property Manager


Property Manager

Szymon | Property Manager


Property Manager

Zobot | AI/ML & Virtual PA


AI/ML & Virtual PA

Prime Property Care Team


By focusing exclusively on professional HMO management services we are on a mission to provide homely environment to more than 1000 grateful tenants, in London, by 2025, whilst raising industry standards and serving as a role model for others


Prime Property Care winds the Best HMO Agency Regional Award in London | 2024
Prime Property Care winds the Tech Star in Real Estate award | Zoho Creator Awards | 2022


NRLA Business Member


Our standard management fee is 14% + VAT of the gross rent, subject to variations based on the specific project structure, involvement required, and location. For a tailored fee structure, please contact us directly.

We are VAT registered; our VAT registration number is 436 3528 90

Contacting us

  • Book a call (for new Landlords)
  • Book a viewing (for new Tenants)
  • Send us a message via online form (for general enquiries)
  • Send us an email to info@primepbs.com (for general enquiries)